
Open Letter to Daddy

Hi Daddy,
I miss you. Hope you are having fun in the Bahamas. Wish I was there to go swimming. I LOVE to swim. Anyway, I ate a terrible dinner. Well, I know I'm supposed to eat a good dinner, but really... there was candy in the house. How does mom expect me to eat real food when there is chocolate and lollipops staring me down? I don't know about her sometimes! Today me and Ama made paper airplanes and I asked mommy to help me decorate one. I told her what to draw and she drew it... 

See there you are on the plane working on your laptop. And Auntie Alli, Unkie Dan and Tia Adrian are all with you and they are all working on their laptops too! I don't know how I think of these things... I just do!! So have fun, get your work done and see you in a few days. I'll try to save you some candy, but I'm not promising anything.

Love, Tate


La Rizz said...

Hah, apparently being on the laptop runs on the family... Karel would agree with Auntie Alli and the laptop assessment...

Michelle said...

He kept saying, "and she's on her laptop." and I would ask if he was sure, maybe she's/he's doing something else. and Tate would say "NO, laptop!!" OK

Anonymous said...

hugs and kisses across the internet.

- daddy

Michelle said...

He misses you. He called me back in his room tonight and asked if you were home yet. then if you'd be home in the morning. Awwwww.....