
Four Bridges & a Pony

Bridge #1: Mount Hope Bridge
A day in Tate's life is only complete when he can say he's been over the "Bristol Bridge" or well...he's even happy if he can see it from our beach. Columbus Day began with a ride over this much loved bridge on our way to meet Stacie, Aiden and Coleman at Grandma Pat's in Jamestown.

Bridge #2: Newport Bridge 
Closer, we are now closer to the first of the day's destinations.... but oh no!!!! What is that pack of cyclists doing?? Why are there so many of them?? Why are they going so fast and heading in the same direction that I'm going to turn?? Oh sh#t... f*%k... they are going to get right in front of me!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Can I pull out in front of them???? Can I make it????


So we follow the pack of riders slowly up the road. The long road. All the way to where I finally turn into, greet friends and say "What the f*#k was that??"

Annual island road race.

Stacie and I set up boys with lunch, kiss them all goodbye leaving them in the very capable hands of Grandma Pat and go have a peaceful lunch by ourselves overlooking the docks downtown. Ahhhh.

Bridge #3: Jamestown Bridge
Pack up boys. Head to horse stables. Knock on door. Get pony rides!!!

Pony #1: Duke
Since seeing the saddled at the ready, happy horses at Chena Hot Springs in Alaska, all Tate could talk about was going for a "pony-tail" ride. We obliged. He looked serious and told the lady leading Duke through the trail that she could NOT talk to him. Sometimes he does that. She obliged. They boys had fun. Stacie and I had many laughs. We were all much obliged.

Bridge #4: Providence River Bridge
We managed to make a complete circle around the state by going home via Providence. Tate was excited to know that we were hitting yet another bridge that day. However, he was so plum tuckered from the day that he only experienced it from slumberland.

M: peaceful lunch and coming home to a clean house thanks to Dave... thanks!
T: finally a pony-tail ride!

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