

Yesterday was Friday. It was hike day. Well hike may be a stretch, it's more of a walk around nicely kept paths through the scrub brush and meadows along the shore. Sachuest Point in Middletown. There are 2 loops, we did the 1.5 mile Ocean View loop. Before leaving the house Tate loaded up on chocolate chip pancakes...10 to be exact. I ate 5! So I thought he'd have some good energy. Nope. We weren't 100 feet into the trail when he promptly asked "Mommy can you pick me?" To which I said, "Nope!" Another 200 feet in and he said he was tired... oh boy this is going to be a looooong 1.5 miles.

We made it through with lots of stops for rests, a few lie downs in the middle of the trail, and only about 200 feet me of carrying him. It was warm, beautiful, peaceful (when he wasn't complaining). We saw lots of butterflies, crickets and bees. However, I committed the worst crime in the blogging world. I had my camera with me, but left the memory card in the computer at home after completing that's morning's post. Arghhhhh. So I have only words, no pictures.

T: I don't know
M: Chasing butterflies and crickets
D: I don't have one
T: I SAID.... I don't know!!!!

I might be the only one that had a good day yesterday.

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