
Happy Halloween - Finale

7:47 - "I'm all done!" Costume, shoes and socks are off. Candy consumption has begun in earnest!!

The loot: 3 muskateers, sour patch kids, lollipops, kit kats, m&m's, reese's peanut butter cups, a gummy finger tip {yeecccch}...even a full-size candy bar! Not bad for a few houses. Maybe next year we'll get him to the other side of the street. Maybe?


adrian and dan said...

Happy Halloween Tate, and Michelle and Dave! Unkie Dan is going to be Hank Paulson and will be handing out 700billion dollar bills at a Halloween party tomorrow and Tia Adrian is going to be a Cook Inlet beluga whale. Trick or Treat!
Unkie Dan and Tia Adrian.

Michelle said...

Who is Hank Paulson??

La Rizz said...

Happy Halloween Tate! You made a very good firefighter!!

Haha, good one Unkie Dan (he's the Secretary of the Treasury-- the one who wields all the power over the 700 billion now).

Auntie Ali was Sarah Palin, kind of (I had the hair and the glasses, but chose to wear a cocktail dress.) I screamed "Vote Obama!" all night. And sang karaoke.

skazama said...

Did Tate get any "different" treats (or tricks)? Ask Dave/Unkie Dan if they remember when one of our neighbors gave us nickels... I guess that was a muted down version of Hank Paulson heh heh...

Michelle said...

Nope. Tate just got candy! But he got toys from his school Halloween party.