
We have arrived...

... in a place so further north than I ever expected I'd bring my extra sensative climate-challenged body!! And I'm currently sitting in Dan's living room watching him and Tate play airplane in the kitchen - it involves lots of yelling, running, crashing and refueling with grapes dropped into the most "injured plane's" waiting mouth. Every once in a while I get a grape fed to me too. Inai watches cautiously from the living room floor wondering why her master keeps making strange noises and falling on the ground.

Trip updates to commence soon....

M: Finally sleeping past 6am

1 comment:

La Rizz said...

I'm glad you guys got to AK safely and I hope you had a nice time in Seattle. Looking forward to some posts and pictures from the trip! If you have time, give me a call. I am nearly always home before 4:40 PM EST.

Give some hugs to Tate, Unky Dan, and Adrian for me!