
Seattle - Day One (saturday)

And oh how early did we awake! Too early! We were on the road by 6am for our flight... Tate loved the tunnel to the airport. Then a six hour straight flight to Seattle. Tate was wonderful! He played, ate, watched DVDs, never complained...

...he took some of his own photos.

We arrived in Seattle (sans nap...uh oh) and quite literally hit the ground running with Danni. We went for lunch at Boom, a cool, mod asian fusion restaurant that served Tate a neat little bento box with his sticky rice, strawberries, edamame and crispy shrimp. He ate the edamame only and then began dancing!

Danni had an extensive collection of funky, wacky sunglasses in the back of her car and Tate tried them ALL on.

We stppoed at the coffee hole in the wall (which was actually very cool with great coffee) and while waiting for our individual beverages, Tate wandered into the next door tatoo parlor where after asking if he could get a tatoo he looked through the stacks of tatoo options and found a rather scary skull complete with knife through mouth. I steered him towards the pretty daisy flower... Dave was not appreciate of the daisy idea. We left with no tatoo.

But rather headed toVolunteer Park for running, climbing and a trip to the Conservatory. Then to Gas Works Park for more running, rolling down hills and dancing. Then to a playground for more running, swinging, spinning and digging. Tate was quite worn out after all that which led us to the hotel for tubbies and sleep.

Well, Danni and I dropped off Dave and Tate to fend for themeselves (sorry about that Dave) and we went to a party complete with root beer keg in the shower! I ate, started feeling the buzz of utter tiredness, shook it off and headed to the bar with Danni for drinks and dessert. At 11pm we finally headed back to hotel so I could try and get some sleep - I mean really - I'd been up for the last 22 hours straight. Dave and Tate were asleep when I arrived, but Tate did not stay asleep... he fell out of the bed at 1am (he was fine), got up to pee at 4am and then was up at 6am with the sun saying

"It's morning day!"

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