
Conjugating Verbs

This morning is the first day of school here in town. The moms and dads all waited with their kids at the bus stops for the big yellow ride to school. I sat in my house so thankful that Tate was not starting full-time school yet. I'm enjoying him as a little kid too much to send him off just yet. And besides...what does a 3 year-old need to learn right now anyway?

We left the house early (8:10am is early for us) for a press check (involves my work, clients and printing) and encountered traffic on the main road... here ensues conversation....

T: Why are we stopping?
M: Because there are cars in the way.
T: We need to skooch by them!
{traffic begins to move}
M: We have begun skoochification!
T: {giggling} We have skoochificated!!
M: {more giggling}
T: Look!! We are skooching!!

Well, I guess a 3 year-old needs to learn to conjugate fake verbs. Or should I actually be teaching him real verbs instead?

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