
Waiter Tips

Monday we decided to go out for lunch. It was Labor Day and I was not going to labor in the kitchen making lunch! I decided I wanted to go to the Clam Shack. The food is great, the view is spectacular with outdoor seating right on the river, and Tate loves to go there and plunk rocks in the water. Another bonus is... there are no waiters... therefore, no tip necessary! 

I always tip well. I even tip the "waiters" at Nordstrom's cafe who come and check on me and sometimes bring me bread, after I've ordered my food at the counter, paid for it at another counter, gotten my own drink, then carried drink and food to my table – complete with 3-year-old in tow. But the waiters there are always nice to Tate and bring us minty chocolate sticks to finish our meal, so they get a few bucks. 

But when I can save 20% on my meal by not having to tip... hey that's great!! But alas the Clam Shack was closed. I guess they didn't feel the need to labor on Labor Day either. So we went to the local family sandwich and ice cream place in town. Tate and I go there often. So often that all the waitstaff wave to us and we even know most by name! 

Well, Tate was in a foul mood. Probably unhappy that there would be no rock plunking. Dave and I (jokingly?) threatened each other with walking out and leaving the other to deal with the melty child. But we were coping with it by giggling with each other, shaking our heads and trying our best to make Tater into a happy tot. 

Eventually all calms down with the boy and some food is even eaten and some smiles flashed about. And neither Dave nor I was forced to walk out and leave the other to fend for themselves. As Dave and I are reeling from the crazies, the waitress comes over and makes my day! She proceeds to tell us, "We all love it when you come in here. You are always so happy and your son so well behaved. You really look like you enjoy being a mom. Not like the other moms who come in and yell at their kids the whole time." 

I believe I got red in the face, a bit teary-eyed and croaked out a "Thank you!!" then I ordered my fabulous son a Crazy Vanilla Bug Sundae and left a really big tip!!!

T: Going to the grocery store {huh?}
M: Going to the playground

1 comment:

La Rizz said...

Oh!!! That brought tears to my eyes!!