
Seattle - Day Two (sunday)

He woke up CRANKY!!!! I woke up cranky. Dave got a coffee and was not cranky!

We went to breakfast at a close by cafe and the only thing that finally got a smile on Tate's face was builing towers, train tracks and roads with the jelly packs and creamers (many ended up on the floor). Danni picked us up and we went to the Olympic Sculpture Park. Great, big beautiful sculptures in an outdoor park setting overlooking the water and train tracks! Tate liked the trains. I liked the sculptures. Dave took photos.

Then to Pike Place Market - because how can you visit Seattle and not go there. We ate doughnut peaches while walking amid the hoards of people, Tate only wanted to be picked up by me, but I was too tired, hot and hungry to comply with his demands, which led to him being crankier, me being crankier and a quick exit from the market to find a lunch place and get us back to the hotel for a nap.

Once the napping commenced, Dave took off to explore alone - smart man!!

We ended the day at Danni's friends house (Ben and Heather) for dinner. We had invited ourselves so we brought all the food and took over the kitchen in their peaceful home and whipped up food for six! Tate and Ben entertained us with a concert and then Heather read Tate books while they cuddled on the couch and we cleaned up. Thank goodness for Danni's good friends - a restaurant visit would have been a nightmare.

We all slept well, but not long enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have me laughing and crying....too wonderful. You must write a screen play or a book a least.....you are such a wordsmith.
Rest....and have fun....Love, AMA

PS....kisses & hugs to Tate and keep drinking coffee Dave....love you guys.