
Seattle - Day Three (monday)

T: Mom?

M: Yes dear?

T: What day is it?

M: It's Monday.

T: And what's today?

M: It's Space Needle day.


So up we went to the tippity-toppity... ahhhh... finally after weeks of looking at it's picture in the guide book and days of seeing it everywhere he went "Mom, LOOK.... I see the SPACE NEEDLE!" we were finally gracing the Seattle skies with our presence in the famous strange tower that looks like a UFO. We walked around, looked through the binoculars and secured a prime spot overlooking the water where sea planes arrived and departed. I believe we spent most of our time in that one spot... "Look. There goes another one!"

"Seaplanes don't have wheels...they have pontoons!" he said to me.

Danni had to work for a few hours that morning so she picked us up at the Needle after a trip to the gift shop for the requisite t-shirt and snow globe, then onto Pioneer Square for gallery stops, bookstore ventures and live music in the square. After he asked me to pick him up for the 131st time that day, I wisked him up, bumping his arm into my leg which sent the newly acquired, much-loved Space Needle snow globe spiraling to the ground and upon impact splitting open and spilling it's necessary water and snow onto the pavement! Whoops.....

We tossed it in the trash after saying goodbye to it and promising a second trip to the gift shop for a replacement snow globe. He was satisfied with this arrangement, however has since told two waitresses, Unkie Dan and Tia Adrian how "mommy knocked the snow globe out of my hand and smashed it to the ground!" I will never live this one down.

Lunch was in the International District for dim sum.... yum yum! And then to the hotel for naps. However I was on a secret special mission with Danni, so we dropped off the boys and off we went. Now I'm not one for surprises. I like to know what's coming up, I like to be prepared physically and mentally. But I've learned that when Danni wants to take you on a secret mission you just say "OK" and trust her. So glad I did as she led me into the warm, dark, quiet day spa and hooked me up with a 90 minute - incredibly needed - massage. Sometimes friends know just what you need!! Those are good friends!!

Dinner was at Danni's apartment. She cooked. I drank wine. Tate played on the giant red ball which is a prop for a performane piece that Danni performs at the Little Red Studio.

After dinner Dave was dropped off at Gas Works Park for a night photography shoot and Tate and I were dropped back to the hotel for our own special adventure to the hotel roof deck. Then tubs and lights out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know of two little boys that would be very jealous of space needle day, and all that went with it! I am personally jealous of having the mountain in view at all times.... sometimes I just pretend that the clouds are the mountains and that I am back in Washington!