
Wrap it up.

Simone was all swaddled up and ready for a final feed before going off to sleep tonight. She nursed for a few minutes then started looking around. Then nursed a bit and fussed and nursed and fussed and nursed and fussed. So I burped her with no results. Laid her back down and she nursed and fussed and nursed and fussed and then popped out one of her arms from the swaddle. Then looked around and watched Tate, stared at Daddy, fussed, looked at the TV, fussed and nursed. Then fussed some more and smacked me in the face, clawed my face, listened to Daddy read books to Tate, nursed and fussed and nursed and smacked me in the face a few more times. Then fussed and nursed and fussed and smack and fuss and nurse and look and fuss and smack and smack and smack and fuss...... Are you tired of reading this? Imagine the frustration of living through it for the hour it lasted.

As she is a bit over 5 months now, I've been wondering when I should stop swaddling her at night time. She always seems happy to get into the "baby burrito" and be cozy and warm. But I know that at some point she will want to be free.

Well after all the smacking, fussing and fussing for an hour tonight, she took her free hand, grabbed at the tabs of the swaddle blanket and pulled hard. Hmmmmm.... So I unwrapped her wrapped up arm, she stretched, smiled and then rolled over, closed her eyes and nursed herself to sleep.

I think she has just told me it's time to stop swaddling her. "BABY BURRITO BE GONE," the queen commands.


Mom said...

I am laughing sooooo hard I am crying. That is why we all love your blog so much. I felt like I was right there watching. Simone is such a character. Who does she take after....???? We will never hear her say as Tate use to:
She will be my way or the highway.
I'm in charge. Maybe the first woman president???

La Rizz said...

^Yeah! I hereby submit my vote for Simone Phaneuf Rizzolo, Ind., 2052!!!