
Oh no no.

I mean really?? Why would she sleep all night two nights in a row? Why would she give her tired, worn-out and very loving mother a break? She decided last night that 12:30am would be a good time to say hi. I think I'd been asleep for 45 minutes when she woke me up. It was very disheartening. Now, I really didn't expect her to sleep through again, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit there was a tiny, teeny shred of a glimmer of hope that she might do it again. But I expected more of a 3am wake up. Not 12:30am. It's the total inconsistancy that is doing me in. This is the worst part of babies.

Now the best part of babies... so cute, sweet smiles, silly giggles, warm and cuddly, witnessing growth and watching them master a challenge, and the relief you feel when they finally and consistently sleep though the night - pure heaven.

1 comment:

MOM said...

Ugh.........but her cuteness wins out!!!! Believe me she will sleep through the night someday. And then someday ... you will lose sleep when she is out and comes home past her curfew. LOL