
Taste of summer

Usually around mid-February I start to get really anxious for winter to end and nature to begin to green outside. I've had enough of the snow, enough of the cold, enough of bulky winter coats. So seeing as a trip to the Bahamas was not in the cards for us this winter, I did the next best thing. I packed the kids in the car and drove to the Botanical Gardens in Providence. It opened in 2007 in Roger Williams Park and it's two large greenhouses filled with lots of tropical green things. We walked in and were immediately hit with heat and forced to take off our coats - ahhhhh. A few more steps in and the smell changed to summer - just like that it felt and smelled like summer. We saw tons of different palm trees, huge cacti, flesh-eating plants, orchids, banana trees bearing fruit, a koi pond and water fountains. The place was practically empty and not very big so Tate was able to run free and explore, as well as throw coins in the fountain. It was blissful.

So the Botanical Gardens will have to suffice for me until we win the lottery and I can spend every February vacation on a tropical beach. It's just as good, right?!?!?!

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