
Pants on Fire

Wii rules in this house. And so we have created Wii House Rules. One of the sacred rules is…

NO Wii until you have eaten breakfast.

Playing Wii is such a strong motivator for Tate that it has really helped diminish the challenge of getting him to eat breakfast. We have had a few great weeks of getting a solid meal into his belly to start his day. This helps Dave and I in the morning, as Dave usually gets him breakfast while I’m still in bed. By the time I get up with Simone, Dave had left for work, Tate has eaten, cleared his plate/bowl and is playing Wii. Great!

A few days ago, I got up and Tate was playing Wii and there was no plate/bowl on the table. I ask, “Have you eaten breakfast already?” “Yes, mommy,” was his reply as he barely looked away from racing down a mountainside in the form of a bad ass, spiky turtle on a motorcycle. Great! I sit down with Simone and we play with chewy toys and watch Tate rack up Grand Prix trophys. About a half hour later I venture into the kitchen to get my own breakfast and I see this on the counter…

We now have a new Wii rule…

DO NOT lie to mommy about eating breakfast so that you can play Wii.


Mom said...

If you were racking up Grand Prix points would you eat breakfast???
However not telling the truth ... is soooooooooo not Tate!!! You're handling it perfectly.

adrian and dan said...

Ha! Here's one fib from my childhood, way back in the days before Wii:

"Danny, did you eat your sandwich?"

"Yes mom, can I go out and play now?"

Meanwhile my peanut butter and jelly sandwich was actually smooshed between the bottom of my plate and the table. It seemed like a good idea to me at the time.