
Mom's Birthday

Birthdays used to be all about me. Totally selfish. Whatever I wanted. Then I went and had some kids. Not only that, but I had one kid only 4 days after my own birthday. I remember 5 years ago on this day - I was 11 days from my due date and Dave and I went out to dinner (Redlefsen's for all you RWU graduates) and I sat there soaking in the very last dinner out we would have before our lives changed forever. We relaxed and really enjoyed it, although I was secretly scared that I would go into labor right then and there.

So today, on MY birthday, I spent most of it getting ready for Tate's birthday. Cleaning, ordering, planning, shopping. I didn't even get to go for lunch where I wanted to. However, Dave came home with Thai take-out and sweet, sweet cake and they sang to me, then Tate and I got lots of cuddle time on the couch. The day may have been more about him, but I got everything I needed today as well.

* blog title will live on

T: eating cake
M: Tate and Dave singing


MOM said...

That is the essence of Motherhood........!!! So happy you had a good day. Love MOM

adrian and dan said...

Birthdays before kids are a lot like life before kids, at least that is the concensus I am getting from friends. Glad you had a happy birthday. Miss you!