
Rotten to the Core

Yes, folks... she is spoiled rotten to the core! That is the dog, in our bed, having made a nest of pillows for herself upon which to snooze the afternoon away. And I allow this??? Well, yeah, I do. It all began when she arrived from the rescue program and promptly fell ill. She required lots of extra care, pampering, love and rest to be able to fight for her life and win. Most days I didn't really think she'd make it, so little things like her sleeping in our bed were not concern for longtime bad habits. But here we are, six and a half years later, with a very spoiled yet alive dog. 

It's OK, she can sleep on my pillows. She deserves her life of luxury after working so hard to keep it. 


skazama said...

Cute... and you give me grief for letting my cats on the table! Wasabi does the same thing with comforters and clothes left on the bed...

Michelle said...

Tables are different and cats are different. I don't like cat littery paws anywhere I eat and I'd kill Eames if she got on the dining room table! Although it would be kinda funny to see her up there.