We surprised Lauren at school, picking her up and bringing her to our house for an impromptu sleepover. Wow, was Tate excited. They were really good... well sort of. They bicker like siblings! She tries to boss him around and he puts up with none of it! They yell at each other, then play happily, then yell again, then play, then yell... well you get the idea. It's rather amusing to the innocent bystander (that would be me) who is upstairs working and listening to the downstairs goings-on.
They are now asleep. All is quiet. Until the morning, when the bickerers awake and I begin to giggle and referee again.
T: eating graham crackers and cuddling with you right now
L: having you and Tate pick me up at school
M: lying on the driveway and being outlined in walk-chalk-chalk
D: playing ball with Tate and Lauren
Great picture, I love their expressions! Have fun being the referee!
Why the serious look, Tater?!?
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