
Cooker Lesson #4

Today we made cookies. We've been talking about making these cookies for weeks. We've had the ingredients to make these cookies for at least 8 days now. Finally, I was so burnt out from working everyday for the last 3.5 weeks that I said, "No more work today! It's cookie-making time!"

We made Oatmeal, Dried Cherry, Chocolate Chip Cookies! And today was the first time Tate dared to use the electric mixer. Usually he runs and hides when I turn it on, but today...oh today, he was BRAVE. He did great. Kept it in the bowl, splattered nothing and did a great job mixing. Here's the proof...

After all that work and bravery, he decided that he does not like cherries in his cookies. I now have to eat all the cherries out of his cookies. Not a bad gig if you can get it!!

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