
The Power of Observation

I'm reading a great book by Barbara Kingsolver about her family's commitment to eating locally for a year. During this year, as much as possible, they eat only what they grow or can buy from other local growers and producers. Therefore, they are eating only what is in season as well as eating whole foods vs. processed. I'm not far into the book and have learned way more about asparagus than I ever wished to know, but it is also making me very happy about our decision for the past 3 years to join a local CSA and making me look forward to this June when the crops are in again - oh the husk cherries, salad greens, heirloom tomatoes, raspberries and local cheeses!! Oops, I've digressed from the real point of this post.

The real point is that last night while reading, there was a recipe listed and after that recipe the note that if I wanted more recipes I should go to www.AnimalVegetableMiracle.com. I thought, "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle? Oh that's interesting they did a different website for the recipes. Wait. Why would they do that? That doesn't make any sense!" So I turn the cover over, really look at the title of the book, and lo and behold, the book I have been reading for the past week and referring to in conversation as Animal, Vegetable, MINERAL... is not actually entitled that, but indeed entitled "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle"!!!

So you are now aware that as much as I love books and reading, I obviously don't really pay any attention to what a book is called. Although in my defense, I've talked about this book with several other people and I believe that they have all called it, unprompted by me, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral as well!! You know who you are!

M: long, much needed afternoon nap (maybe now I can pay attention to details)
T: playing broken daddy


skazama said...

Nice, keep up the posts! Good book?

La Rizz said...

You're not alone Michelle-- I also for MONTHS thought the book was Animal Vegetable Mineral as well. I think it was mentioned in the Times or something, and I thought to myself, "Wow, funny they'd have such a typo in the Times!" Yeah.

La Rizz said...

Also, every single CSA near us in Brooklyn has been full for the next season since the fall!!!! Fortunately NYC Greenmarkets are abundant and daily.