
Vote 08

Tate and I voted this morning at 10am. While we waited in the long line we were surrounded by neighbors and therefore had fun and caught up on the happenings. For the first time in any election I've voted in, I was moved, proud and genuinely excited to vote for the candidate of my choice. Today I, along with many others, made history by voting for the first African-American presidential candidate and I couldn't have been happier to have Tate by side to witness this event. 

My greatest hope is that Tate is always as excited to vote as I was today.

My greatest fear is that he will vote Republican... or become a priest... or like country music.


La Rizz said...

I was thinking about that-- how it exciting to have Tate in the family, at his age, during this time... Imagine his American history classes in a few years! This is such an exciting time, and I am certainly proud to be a citizen of this country at this moment, regardless of the storm(s) we are facing.

Anonymous said...

but what's wrong with country music???