
Boys are...


Tate called me into his room to tell me something tonight. In I go, even though he supposed to be sleeping to see what he wants.

"You have to smell my feet!!"

Boys are sooooooo gross!!!



Six years ago I wanted a dog. Dave didn't. He didn't want to be tied down with the responsibility and more importantly he didn't want to pick up poop. I worked on him. He gave in. We began looking for a dog. Boxer rescues were our choice - where you actually do not get a choice. 

Six years ago I filled out the 50 line item application. Had a phone interview. Our references were called. The program director visited our house with a dog. Then, only then, did she say, "We've got a dog that I think would be a great fit for you - her name is Sheba."

Six years ago we drove to New Hampshire to meet Sheba. She was sweet. A bit timid and seemed confused. She won our hearts.

Six years ago we packed Sheba into our car. Drove her home and into our lives.

Six years ago today Sheba became Eames. It was the best choice we never made.


Official Auntie Alli Birthday Proclamation

M: Hey Tate, it's Auntie's birthday today.

T: Can we have a cake for Auntie's birthday?

M: Well, she's not going to be here. She's in New York.

T: New York City?

M: Yup, New York City.

T: But can we have cake for her birthday?

M: Ummmm...sure why not!!

Happy Birthday!!


M: eating Auntie Alli's birthday cake

T: hey, that's my favorite part of the day too

D: coming home from work


Weekend Round-up

Chocolate chip pancakes.

Saturday morning cartoons.

Sleepover at Ama & Papa's.

Productive trip to pottery studio.

Peaceful shopping at Whole Foods.

Dinner date with Dave.

Sleeping in until 9:30am.

Brunch at CAV for ED's 40th Brithday!!

Pick up Tate (who is pretty cranky having gone for 2 days without a nap.)

Playing trumpet. *see above photo

Nice cuddle time after books and tubbies.

T: sleepover at Ama & Papa's
M: brunch out with friends
D: playing airplanes with Tate


Bandage Boy

With every teeny, tiny little cut, scrape or bump there can sometimes be lots of drama... fake drama... that emits from the mouth, heart and soul of one usually calm, sweet, happy Tate. Upon such occasions Dave and I say, "I think we need the giant bandage!!" Which immediately stops all the fuss and begins a new fuss, "NOOOOOOOO....... not the giant bandage!!!!" Imagine our surprise the other night when he ran around the little table wrapping himself up in the dreaded giant bandage. And I wasted money on a fireman costume for Halloween. He could have just worn this.


A day out with friends.

Tuesday was a busy day. We had a phone conference with Tate's teacher (she said he is as sweet as can be - tell me something I don't already know!) Then we voted, hit the library and helped rescue a stray dog. We went to the cat's vet to get food and medicine for the little buggers and Tate fed the fish. Lunch was at Stanley's and then finally it was time to meet Aidan, Coleman and Auntie Stacie at the Children's Museum for the Annual Election Day Outing. 

They had a great time with the old stuff and the new. And Stacie and I even had a chance to talk! I took a very tired boy and a very tired me home that evening!!


It's a beautiful day.

It's 67 degrees out with a light breeze. 

It's a relaxing day for Tate and I.

It's heavenly to play "walk chalk chalk" in November.

It's finally time to say... President-Elect Obama!!!


Vote 08

Tate and I voted this morning at 10am. While we waited in the long line we were surrounded by neighbors and therefore had fun and caught up on the happenings. For the first time in any election I've voted in, I was moved, proud and genuinely excited to vote for the candidate of my choice. Today I, along with many others, made history by voting for the first African-American presidential candidate and I couldn't have been happier to have Tate by side to witness this event. 

My greatest hope is that Tate is always as excited to vote as I was today.

My greatest fear is that he will vote Republican... or become a priest... or like country music.


Leaf Burning

Dave and Tate raked the yard. Hard working boys were rewarded with leaf pile jumping and KitKat's.
I read the Sunday paper. Relaxing mom was rewarded with rakuing firing and cake at Charlene's!!!!


Cooker Lesson #2

Tonight for dinner we made butternut squash soup and cheesy cayenne biscuits. Tate helped make biscuits and made his own dough too...  there was water, milk, flour, salt, way too much pepper and fresh sage. He measured, mixed, poured, stirred and tasted declaring it was good! He then ate four bites of the real biscuits and forced down one spoon of soup for dinner. Maybe mine wasn't as good as his??

Beam me up... Tatey!

After the finish of Saturday morning cartoons, NBC aired a episode of Star Trek. Conversation ensues....

T: Mom, what's that?
M: It's Star Trek, honey.
T: Is that a boy show?
M: That is undeniably, positively, totally a boy show.
T: Oh. 
T: I need my space ship!!!
{Finds a car, rips off wheels, flies chassis around house while "shooting" the decapitated tires at all the furniture}

T: eating a giant candy bar
M: sleeping in late