
25 Weeks

Things I Can Still Do:
- rough house with Tate
- wash a 52lb Boxer in the tub
- vacuum
- see my toes
- stay awake all day long
- run up the stairs and not be winded
- play baseball
- cook dinner

Things I Probably Shouldn't Be Doing Anymore
- rough house with Tate
- wash a 52lb Boxer in the tub
- run up the stairs

Things I'm Looking Forward To Not Being Able To Do Anymore
- vacuum
- stay awake all day long
- cook dinner

We are at 25.5 weeks... only a scary 14.5 to go! She's quite active when I am at rest and if she kicks hard enough I can not only feel it, but see my stomach move too! It's cool and kinda freaky all layered into one "Oh my God. I'm having another baby!" parfait of pregnancy fun!

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