
Fairbanks II - Day One

Oh, Day One. Travel Day! Well, it was not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. Tate was fantastic! He was well-behaved, calm, watched DVDs and ate snacks. He dozed from DC to Seattle for about 1.5 hours and then was raring to go in the Seattle airport. He rememebered as soon as we entered the terminal that this was the airport with the train! He slept pretty well from Seattle to Fairbanks so was refreshed when Unkie Dan met us at baggage claim... here they are playing in the sand pits in the Fairbanks International Airport.

I was more comfortable than I thought I'd ever be traveling that far and that long at 6 months pregnant. The worst for me was bending over to retrieve items from the seats in front of us and then the last leg of the trip where Tate was lying with his head in my lap, ultimately pinning me in place. I couldn't get comfortable and my tailbone was killing me! That was the worst of it.

We landed at 1am AK time (5am RI time) and damn it, it was still kinda light out! That sorta dusky light that feels like night but is not really dark. Amazing! Our heads were on the pillows in the hotel by 2:30am for much needed additional sleep.


25 Weeks

Things I Can Still Do:
- rough house with Tate
- wash a 52lb Boxer in the tub
- vacuum
- see my toes
- stay awake all day long
- run up the stairs and not be winded
- play baseball
- cook dinner

Things I Probably Shouldn't Be Doing Anymore
- rough house with Tate
- wash a 52lb Boxer in the tub
- run up the stairs

Things I'm Looking Forward To Not Being Able To Do Anymore
- vacuum
- stay awake all day long
- cook dinner

We are at 25.5 weeks... only a scary 14.5 to go! She's quite active when I am at rest and if she kicks hard enough I can not only feel it, but see my stomach move too! It's cool and kinda freaky all layered into one "Oh my God. I'm having another baby!" parfait of pregnancy fun!



...and quiet!

He is so beautiful when he sleeps.

After a weekend of being sick (high fevers) he is well again, but still tuckered. This is him asleep on the couch in my office upstairs. He's never fallen asleep here before!



Tate is very excited to wear his new dress clothes for unkie Dan's wedding. He tried to wear them to bed last night, wanted them on first thing in the morning and then while at the park informed me that we would all wear our "fantastic new clothes" to the airport, on the plane and then to Alaska.

He thinks he looks like a dancer in his "suit" and last night led a conga line through the house. He plans on one for the wedding reception too. But we all have to dance crazy like him... so be ready! Oh and he wants the instruments too!!