The past few days I've let him go no naps and he's been sleeping better at night. Today was a no nap day. I told Tate that I had to go upstairs and work for a while and if he needed me to call or come upstairs. He played, relaxed, watched TV, used the bathroom... all independently and happily. I came down about an hour and half later, sat on the couch and took one look at him and thought, "Hmmmm... that wasn't like that when I went upstairs!"
What is wrong with this picture?
He pulled that one all by himself? Genius.
Haha, that's awesome! Nice coordination there, Tater!
By the way, I left a link to this for Dave, but you may find it interesting too: Good news for Tate!
Hmmm... Is this his April Fool's? Or is it yours?? Not doubting my nephew's amazing abilities, just noticed the coincidental date and the smirk on his face...
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