
Idle Threats

"I'm ever not coming up here again!! hmupf" 

…and storms down the stairs.
What a threat from such a small child. 

UPDATE: 1 minute later

T: Hi mommy, can you open my yogurt for me?
M: I thought you were ever not coming up here again?
T: {smiles}
T: Well, I was unhappy. But, now I'm happy!

What wonders one minute will do for such a small child.


8 Months

Her due date is August 29th. Today is July 29th. We are exactly one month away from the impending birth. I've been frantically trying to complete client projects, and as some get finished, new ones come in the door! I think my clients are panicking over her impending arrival too. All seems under control on the work front, even though I'm working most days and nights trying to get it all done - I see the end is near, with a small buffer of time that was unexpected. Now I just need everyone to cooperate with me. Including this baby. So far so good!

We've also been tackling the baby "to-do" list. Which is really a baby "t0-get" list. I think we were lulled into a false sense of security by having had a kid already and thinking "Oh, we've had a kid already. We've got EVERYTHING we need!" NO. NO...we don't! I forgot that baby needs diapers, wipes, new pacifiers, new little fuzzy rattles, diaper rash cream, lotion, shampoo, her own clutchie, plus clothes that are made for girls... among other things that were not in the best shape from Tate's usage... like socks, hats, bibs, burp cloths, changing table covers... need I go on? But I think that we are covered as Tate and I went out last week and conquered the "to-get" list rather efficiently and he even picked out for her a clutchie of her very own!

Things still need to be done like, set up the bassinet, install the car seats, pack the bags. Oh... and the most important... decide her name!


32 Weeks

And there is no more room at the inn!! She's packed in tightly so that there is usually a foot in my ribs, a shoulder in my hip and a head banging into my bladder. But it is fun to watch my whole stomach twitch and shift as she relocates her baby body parts. Tate still insists that she be named "Brother Lauren" even though that is his cousin's name and he's fully aware that he's getting a sister!